Thinking about swimming and establishing a spacious, healthy and luxurious swimming pool; yes it is possible. But it involves a heavy cost to have a high-class swimming pool with freshly chlorinated water.
The salt water pool cost has been estimated to be lesser than that of the fresh water pool. Considering the construction, maintenance and refilling cost of both types of pool, people usually opt for a cost-effective option; which in the case of people living near the coasts is the salt water pool.
The construction of pool infrastructure remains almost same for fresh water pool and salt water pool but maintenance cost and refilling cost makes them different. Before choosing, one should have considered the benefits, problems and pricing of salt water pools.

The option of pool with salt water, fiberglass installations, marble or ceramic tiles floor and brass water bodies can be an excellent combination. Before going for a solid decision one must consider the benefits likely to be achieved against incurring reasonable saltwater pool cost. Generally, installing a saltwater pool can cost more likely in between 1000-2000 USD.
The maintenance cost for salt swimming pools is less compared to hidden water pools as the owner may have to spend only 80-120 USD for chlorine. While calculating the cost for a freshwater swimming pool one must add the cost of chlorination of water, sanitization, and water itself; which in the case of a saltwater pool you don’t need to consider.
Shocking is another hidden cost to be incurred in the case of freshwater pool. A reasonable amount of shock bags are consumed especially after the rain, seasonal change, or increased number of users. The saltwater pool cost remains lower as these charges are also eliminated and saltwater does not require shocking. Comparing the costs of both types of swimming pools it has been learned that in many ways the saltwater pool cost is more workable and affordable.
Fresh water pool generally gets infected by algae, which is controlled by a chemical known as Algaecide. This chemical also involves a heavy cost and particularly if it is required to be used on a frequent basis. In the case of a pool with saltwater, this cost is also subtracted from the total sum of the cost.
Depending upon the size, type and style the cost of salt water pool may vary but in the same area, the cost will be much lower than the freshwater pool in terms of construction, maintenance and refilling of water.
The only disadvantage of a pool with salt water is that the disposal of seawater or saltwater is not friendly to green surroundings. The pricing of pools is generally calculated in terms of units per square foot.
The initial cost which includes planning, designing and excavation of earth remains the same for the freshwater pool and saltwater pool. It may vary from place to place as well; for example, in the areas where freshwater is easily available and the environmental factors favor the construction and maintenance of freshwater pool, the saltwater pool may be costly.
The saltwater is naturally chlorinated and protected against algae; thus not involving the cost for these extra costs. The density of sea water is such that it never needs shocking of the pool; it is therefore recommended to be less costly in all aspects.